FasciAshi is an innovative, revolutionary style of Barefoot Massage classes for Licensed Massage Therapists who want to massage with their feet while confidently applying deep tissue, myofascial release, trigger point and range of motion techniques. Learning how to use the body more efficiently to treat clients with chronic pain is key to a long and successful Massage Therapy career.
We are NOT teaching you a cookie-cutter sequence of barefoot massage strokes - we teach you how to use your feet as intuitively as you use your hands! Find longevity in this rewarding career without hurting your body! Check out our cool video below to get just a taste of the 'wiping the drool off your chin' moves we'll teach you in our LIVE ashiatsu training.

Classes offered in Colorado
This beginner ashiatsu training will teach you how to use your feet to provide a full body deep tissue, myofascial release and trigger point work focused barefoot massage session. This class focuses on techniques applied on posterior aspects of the client’s body, as your weight and natural gravitational forces are utilized to effortlessly maintain consistent pressure through your feet. While the work is focused on the client prone, therapists will learn supine work as well.
Fundamentals is the starting point for those wanting to train in FasciAshi barefoot massage – although it’s a “beginner” class, it’s not easy. Review your bony landmarks, endangerment sites, and muscle pathways – as well as the anatomical terminology that goes a long way! FasciAshi sessions use overhead support bars as well as our proprietary Ashi-Strap to help regulate your pressure, flow and balance while the client lays on a massage table.
This intermediate ashiatsu class empowers the experienced barefoot massage therapist to work even slower, maintain long sustained pressure holds on trigger points or adhered layers of tissue, and deliver deep myofascial strokes to the anterior and lateral aspects of your client’s body.
Supine and Side-body strokes will give you the tools to provide a comprehensive feet-on practice in the often forgotten, hard to reach areas of the body. We share how to work along the topography of our clients bones, and manipulate the length of each muscle and fascial chain.
Intricate use of the ashiatsu support strap is a big focus in this class. This unique addition to the overhead ashiatsu bars allows us to work on variable angles and vectors with consistent, controllable pressure that prevents fatigue for the massage therapist.
Learn to use heated flaxseed pillows to perform specific barefoot massage protocols for the client in both a supine and prone position, in Hot Ashi part of the our Relax Track specialized classes. Hot Ashi is performed through clothing on a massage table with overhead bars and a flexible strap for balance and shearing ability.
Heat is an effective way to relieve both chronic and new pain and aches as well as promote relaxation. Its use is non-invasive and non-addictive, inexpensive and easy to incorporate into massage services. Using therapist’s feet in conjunction with heat produces almost effortless results, both in relaxation and in stress / pain reduction.
Adapted and brought to the United States from the Fijian and New Zealand Islands by Lolita Knight, this style of barefoot massage is performed on a floor mat, with the client clothed. Fijian Massage incorporates specific, deep pressure followed by a vigorous jostle movement to the larger muscle groups. Fijian Massage works with intensity by using our strong toes and bony aspects of our feet to create simple, rhythmic stroke repetitions.
Often times the therapist will find themselves seated in a chair or the floor while providing strokes. The use of overhead bars is not required – but a body bolstering/cushioning system is. We may stabilize our balance with the Ashi-Strap, a chair, or any other balancing tools such as a bamboo staff rather than bars.
This barefoot massage allows the therapist to utilize passive, active, and resisted ROM stretching techniques. While performing these techniques the therapist will hold onto the overhead bars as the strap will aid in balance and leverage while lifting, bending, and twisting clients into deep holds and fascial stretches. With compression and restriction, the clients compensating body parts align and go into various ranges of motion. As the barefoot massage therapist observe, they can encourage passive fascial stretching and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation.
We will be reviewing secure draping options while blending ROM into slow gliding, non-lubricated movements along the client’s skin. This massage can be adapted for the use of cream or with the client fully clothed.